06. Travis Creasy

The journey of surviving fast acting Leukemia.

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On episode six of the pod I bring to you my conversation with Travis Creasy. Travis is a fellow podcaster, a husband, father, and a deeply caring person, a man who simply loves life. That is what we have in common (I would like to think, at least). Where Travis and I are different is that he was born raised and lives in the south, has a funnier accent than I do and had a rare aggressive form of leukemia.

Travis was diagnosed in the fall of 2018 when he had a white blood cell count ten times the healthy amount. He then had to spend weeks in the hospital where he had to have 86 rounds of crippling treatment. While he considers himself lucky to be alive, Travis does not take his life for granted.

Travis describes himself as a Tigger because of his bubbly personality, but I think he’s more like Tigger because he’s the only one like him. While there may be so many things that are different about us, such as the complete lack of significance that Crimson Tide football has in my life, I was able to learn a lot from Travis.

This is the heart of the Epics Podcast. I believe that those who may be so different from us in so many ways have a lot to teach us when they are vulnerable and share their stories with us. Hearing Travis’ story was inspiring, but he is not content to just inspire others. He wants to encourage all us to be an encouragement and inspiration to those around us.

So let’s get started.

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07. Kimberly Smith


05. Pandemic Donuts